菊池・高橋研究室では、「組織・器官はどの様に形成・発達するのか(発生)?」、 「損傷を受けた組織・器官はどの様に修復されるのか(再生)?」、「組織・器官はどの様に破綻するのか(がん化)?」 という生物学の問題に取り組んでいます。 発生・再生・がん化は、互いに関連性が無い生命現象だと思われますが、多くの点で共通性が見られます。 例えば、脱分化する事(発生初期の状態に戻る事)、細胞増殖が重要である事、同じ様なシグナル伝達系が機能する事、 などです。これら3つに共通する生命現象のメカニズム・システムを明らかにする事を研究目標としています。 私達の研究室は生命科学系の研究科(統合生命科学研究科)に所属していますが、 生物学・医学・工学・数理学・データ科学を融合させた、学際研究に取り組んでいます。最近では、 生命科学とデータ科学(特に機械学習)との融合に力を入れており、機械学習による、新しい生命現象の予測を目指しています。 In Kikuchi-Takahashi Laboratory, we are studying the following biological questions; “How do tissues and organs form and mature (Development)?”, “How are damaged tissues and organs repaired (Regeneration)?” and “How do failure of tissues and organs occur (Carcinogenesis)?” Although development, regeneration and carcinogenesis are considered unrelated biological phenomena, they share many similarities, such as de-differentiation (reverting back to the earlier state of development), the importance of cell proliferation and regulation through similar signaling pathways. Our research goal is understanding the common mechanisms and systems underlying these biological phenomena. Our laboratory belongs the Graduate School of Integrated Science for Life, and we are engaged in interdisciplinary research that integrates biology, medicine, engineering, mathematics and data science. Recently, we have been focusing on the integration of life science and data science (especially Machine learning), aiming to predict new biological phenomena by machine learning.
生体外で筋・腱・軟骨から成る3次元的な組織(複合オルガノイド, アッセンブロイド)を構築し、
We aim to understand the regulation mechanism of the muscle-tendon-bone
junction formation and maturation by analyzing tissue morphogenesis and
characteristics of cell populations and by reconstructing the relevant tissues
in vitro and tracing their formation and maturation processes in detail.
Specifically, using transparency enhanced mouse fetal limbs,
we are observing the expression and distribution patterns of related genes
and proteins at different developmental stages to visualize the formation process.
We are also analyzing single-cell omics (scRNA-seq) data from existing databases to
identify characteristic cells and adhesion factors that are specific to the MTJ and OTJ.
Furthermore, we are trying to recapitulate the process of the MTJ and
OTJ formation by constructing a three-dimensional (3D) in vitro tissues
(multilineage organoids, assembloids) consisting of muscle, tendon and cartilage using cells
isolated from mouse embryos and cultured in an appropriate environment.
By combining these approaches, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of
the mechanisms that are important for the morphogenesis and development of junction parts
in the locomotor system from the single cell level to the tissue level.
We aim to understand the mode of multicellular interactions and the mechanisms of
malignant progression mediated by chemical and physical signals by
culturing complex 3D cancer tissues containing cancer stem cells and
TME components in in vitro and by spatiotemporally tracking and analyzing
their dynamic changes in cancer tissues. Specifically, we are studying how
mechanical stress in the TME plays a role in malignant progression by measuring the stress
and tension on cancer and surrounding cells in cultured cancer tissues using advanced
technologies including machine learning of images. We are also focusing on microRNAs,
which is one of the key players in tumorigenesis, to analyze the stress resistance
mechanism of cancer stem cells from the viewpoint of gene expression regulation and
stress granule formation. In these studies, we use patient-derived cells as well as
model cancer cells to gain practical insights into cancer treatment in collaboration
with medical doctors and researchers inside and outside the university.
Additionally, we are working on the development of evidence-based artificial intelligence (AI)
diagnosis and prognosis prediction system by analyzing images of patients' cancer tissues
and cells using AI and machine learning to investigate the responsible molecular mechanisms.
(1) エピゲノムによる転写終結制御機構の解明
(2) 機械学習による筋芽細胞融合機構の予測・解明
In recent years, life science research has begun to use an “inductive research approaches”
to obtain new conclusions (without much reliance on past research results) based on
a huge amount of big data obtained from omics and other sources. In addition,
by using statistical analysis, it is becoming possible to predict the results of
phenomena for which there is little data due to the difficulty of observation and
experimentation. We are working on the following projects that incorporate big data
and machine learning technology as data-driven research methods.
(1) Understanding of the regulation mechanism of
transcription termination by epigenomics
We are conducting genome-wide analysis of epigenetic modifications
(DNA methylation and histone modifications) to understand the mechanism of transcription termination.
(2) Prediction and analysis of the myofusion mechanism by machine learning
We are aiming to build a new system by using images of myoblasts and
machine learning methods to approach the mechanism of myoblast fusion.
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an animal model
3D in vitro muscle-like organoids