Department of Biological Science,Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University

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The Program of Basic Biology consists of five main research divisions: animal science, plant biology, diversity biology, amphibian biology and plant genetic resources. Research programs in every division investigate fundamentals in biological science, ranging from molecular to population level studies. The Department is one of Japan’s leading biological faculties responsible for education and research at an advanced level, with 37 teaching staff members.


We, human beings, have accumulated tremendous knowledge and technology throughout history, and have dramatically improved the quality of life. However, it is also true that our knowledge and technology have produced problems that threaten our life. The starting point where people acquire new knowledge and technology is the following simple questions, “Why?” and “How?” We believe that the activities with scientific and logical approaches that satisfy our intellectual curiosity is the essence of fundamental science. The innovation that solves our problems and opens our brilliant future will be fostered by the accumulation of wisdom in fundamental science.

The faculty members of the basic biology program are wrestling with the research themes in the fundamental biology, such as cancer research, morphogenesis, sex differentiation, cell-division, neural functions, metalloprotein, gene transfer, molecular phylogeny, evolution, taxonomy, ecology, plant hormone, leaf senescence, and so on. Some of the successful results have been already applied to the medical science and industry.

The education and research provided by the experienced staffs of the basic biology program provide students the chance to explore the frontier of the mysteries of life. Our program also offers the chance to learn from other program members, which opens a new perspective to different research fields. In essence, the basic biology program is designed to give key fundamental knowledge, and to train students up to seamlessly tackle the wide variety of fundamental and applied research activities.
